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Our last full Ofsted inspection was in May 2019, which judged the school as being 'Outstanding’ for overall effectiveness.  In addition, the school was graded as Outstanding in the following four categories: Effectiveness of Leadership and Management; Quality of teaching, learning and assessment; Personal development, behaviour and welfare; Outcomes for pupils. Our Sixth Form provision (16 to 19 study programmes) was rated as Good with the report noting that, ‘the school prepares students well for the next stages of their lives. This is because they make good progress, experience a range of enrichment activities, and contribute to the community’.

The report reflects the hard work and professionalism of the whole school community over the past seven years and was achieved within a rigorous inspection framework. It was pleasing that the improvements to the school since the last full inspection in 2013, were recognised by the inspection team during the short inspection in 2018 and have been further reinforced during the full inspection in May 2019. The inspection teams, on each occasion were particularly impressed by the exemplary behaviour and manners exhibited by our students, their engagement in lessons and their pride in the school.

The 2019 reports is all below. Other reports will be available to download from the Ofsted website. We continue to be keen to receive feedback from our parents. If you have not already done so, we would greatly appreciate hearing your views via the Department for Education ParentView website - The survey takes only a few minutes to complete.

Gary Mullings