IMPORTANT: Online Top-Up System Change - March 2025
As of Monday 17th March 2025, Vyners has moved to ParentPay for online top-up services.
Please watch the following video explaining how to set up a new ParentPay account if you do not already have one. Click here for more information.
If you already have a ParentPay account for another child and would like to add another to your existing account, click here for more information.
A letter was sent out on 26th February 2025 explaining the change. This can be viewed and downloaded at the bottom of this page, titled "26 February 2025 - ParentPay Letter".
The school has two canteens on site, which offer plated hot meals at lunchtime, along with a range of sandwiches, hot and cold snacks and a range of drinks. A selection of hot and cold 'grab and go' products are also available.
CUCINA took over as the school's catering partner from September 2022. Information about their food offer is below. There will be regular weekly offers for students, and a number of themed days throughout the year.
As well as a range of 'grab and go' items, students have the opportunity to eat a plated hot meal in school. This can be served, either on a proper plate, with knife and fork, or in a reusable lunchbox, which a child can bring from home. These 'munchboxes' may be taken outside. School provided plates and cutlery must remain in the top canteen.
With an eye on the sustainability agenda, we have also made the decision for September 2022 to discontinue the supply of single-use plastic bottles in school. Every student is now responsible for bringing their own reusable and refillable bottle, which can be replenished either at the free water fountains, or via the Generation Juice machines in the canteens. We are proud that this decision prevented over 18,000 single-use plastic bottles going to landfill in the Autumn 2022 term alone.
Do you think you may be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)? If so, click here to check your eligibility. Free School Meal students receive a daily allowance of £2.93 to enable them to purchase food items. The allowance is valid all day, and at all 3 serving points.
Under the ‘pupil premium’ funding scheme, making a claim for FSM helps both your family and the school, as Vyners receives an extra £1455 per pupil, per year for every student registered for FSM. Pupil Premium funding enables us to support your child in many different ways, including funding participation in school trips and other activities, as well as funding specific intervention sessions.
* Please note that the School Meal Menu may be subject to change without prior notice.