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Student Wellbeing (RSE & PSHE)

Student wellbeing is at the forefront of our everyday interactions with our Sixth Form students. We have a number of strategies and measures in place to support student wellbeing in all aspects of their school and personal life. 

The Sixth Form Team 

The Sixth Form team comprises the Head of Sixth Form, Year 12 Leader, Year 13 Leader, two Sixth Form supervisors who also support students pastorally. We have a fantastic team of Sixth Form tutors who are all experienced in providing pastoral support at post 16 level. The team is supported by the Deputy Head Teacher. 

Tutor Time and RSE

Each student is assigned to a tutor group. Tutor time is a valuable 20 minutes in the morning with a focus on mental health and wellbeing.. Students have one weekly whole school assembly and one year assembly. Students also engage in a bespoke RSE programme where a different topic is explored, discussed and debated each half term. 


Year 12 and 13

Year 13

Autumn Term 1

Health, wellbeing and self awareness

Healthy Lifestyles

Autumn Term 2



Spring Term 1

Online Safety

Online Safety

Spring Term 2

Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle Choices

Summer Term 1


Exam Stress Awareness

Summer Term 2

Post 18 Choices



At Vyners we also have a well established PSHE programme that is designed to help students prepare for life after Sixth Form. Sessions are delivered by staff and guest speakers and focus on human rights, religion, ethics and current affairs as well as post 18 options and life beyond sixth form. The sessions are delivered for 60 minutes once a fortnight. 

This year we have welcomed various external guest speakers from companies such as Maximise Potential and S.A.M.E academy (safer driving awareness) as well as speakers from institutions such as Oxford University, Brunel University and a wide range of industries in the field of STEM, medicine and law. 

Other sessions have focused around different real life scenarios, for example a Human Rights Workshop led by Greenwich University. We also run enrichment activities where the students have a chance to take part in activities such as sports, a board game afternoon or cooking workshops. 

Student Wellbeing

We are lucky to be supported by the safeguarding team and our Place2Be mental health practitioner Ms Ali. 

Please email or your child’s year leader if you need any further information or advice on how to support student wellbeing.