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Hearing Impaired Resource Base

Hearing Impaired Resource Base

The Hearing Impaired Resource Base (HIRB) is a well-resourced specialist provision designed to support deaf students of secondary age.  The HIRB helps deaf students develop the communication skills, social skills and confidence required to achieve their full academic potential. 

Communication Policy

We are an auditory oral provision with a strong commitment to helping students develop their vocabulary, grammar and speech.  This includes a regular visit from a highly specialist Speech and Language Therapist who works closely with the HIRB to identify targets and develop programmes of study for individual students.

Inclusion and individual support

Deaf Awareness training is provided for all new students and staff during their first term at Vyners.  The HIRB liaises with mainstream staff throughout the school to ensure that deaf students have access to both the curriculum and extra-curricular activities.

Personalised timetables are either fully integrated into the mainstream with specialist support, or mixed intervention and mainstream. Student support is designed to meet the needs of the individual and is likely to include some or all of the following:

  • In-class support
  • Homework club
  • Language enrichment activities
  • Reinforcement of concepts
  • Note-taking
  • Pre-teaching
  • Post-teaching
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Audiology
  • Support with social and emotional development
  • Specialist exam access arrangements
  • Support during extra-curricular activities
  • Close liaison with specialist support agencies

Acoustics and specialist equipment

The majority of Vyners’ classrooms benefit from low ceilings and fitted carpets.  All classrooms have Soundfield systems which are compatible with student’s radio aids.

All hearing aids, FM radio systems and Soundfield systems are rigorously monitored.

Students are taught to manage and maintain their own audiological equipment.  The HIRB uses the Ear Foundations Personal Understanding of Deafness (PUD) to track the progress that students are making in developing these skills.


The HIRB provides a programme of support to ensure that students achieve a smooth transition from primary to secondary school.  We work very closely with students, primary schools and families to ensure that this is tailored to meet the needs of each child.  We also provide support and guidance for students as they progress from school into tertiary education, university or work.


The HIRB is staffed by a HIRB Co-ordinator, two Teachers of the Deaf (ToDs) and a team of specialist Learning Support Assistants (LSAs).  Our teachers have both gained post-graduate level qualifications in teaching. Some of our most experienced LSAs have gained Level 3 BTEC Advanced Award in working with sensory impaired young people (hearing impairment). TODs and LSAs attend regular training to gain up to date knowledge and continue to develop their skills.

Admissions Criterion

The Hearing Impaired Resource Base supports students in years 7-13 who have a statement of ‘Special Educational Need’ or ‘Education & Health Care Plan’ naming Hearing Impairment as their primary need.

All admissions are arranged through Hillingdon Local Education Authority.

Contact HIRB