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HIRB Interventions

HIRB Intervention Strategies

  • Speech and Language Therapy - The HIRB receives regular input from a Highly Specialised Speech and Language Therapist. Students are provided with individual targets and programmes of study. The HIRB liaises closely with the Speech and Language Therapist and support is available to all HIRB students from a specialist HIRB LSA during homework club.
  • Precision Teaching – The HIRB employs this method of assessment and monitoring as a tool to help deaf students learn new vocabulary.
  • Reading Schemes – The HIRB recognises that for many deaf students comprehension of text, particularly inference and deduction are a problem. Specially selected Reading Schemes are used in order to help students overcome this. These are read and discussed in one to one sessions with HIRB staff.
  • Talkboxes – The HIRB has a variety of resources prepared each morning to stimulate conversation with and amongst deaf students. The primary aim of these sessions is to increase the ability of students to communicate effectively with others.
  • Games Club – The HIRB runs a games club every Friday lunch time, the aim of this is to help students develop friendship groups and improve their social skills.
  • Trips – The HIRB runs a number of trips throughout the year. These are generally aimed at improving one or more of the following for deaf students:
    • world knowledge
    • social skills
    • vocabulary
    • grammar
  • Reverse integration - The Teachers of the Deaf teach some small groups within the base. These groups comprise of a mixture of deaf and hearing students who benefit from having a particular part of the curriculum delivered to them in a different format to that of the mainstream class.
  • One to one teaching – The HIRB sometimes provides students with individual tuition sessions. These sessions enable students to progress at a pace appropriate to them and to freely ask as many questions as they need to in order to understand the subject matter being taught.
  • NDCS Healthy Minds Training Programme - Teachers of the Deaf have attended specialist training in order to deliver this programme which has been devised by the NDCS to enable small groups of deaf young people to explore ways of building and maintaining good emotional health and well being.
  • Shape Coding - Staff within the HIRB work closely with the specialist Speech and Language Therapist to use this visual representation of language to support students in developing the correct formation of both verbal and written sentences.