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Careers and Work Related Learning

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to see the Work Related Learning Policy. Information on provider access (The Baker Clause) appears on P3 and in Appendix 2 of this policy.

Click here for the Careers Curriculum Map. 

Click here to view the Careers Maps for individual subjects.

Work Related Learning (WRL) at Vyners uses the context of work to develop knowledge, skills and understanding useful for a variety of vocations.  This includes learning through the experience of work itself, learning about employment and working practices and learning the skills and qualifications needed to acquire and once within a wide variety of jobs.

Vyners school will provide opportunities to:

  • Raise aspirations
  • Increase social mobility
  • Get girls to participate in STEM
  • Provide Technical Education and Apprenticeships the opportunity to talk to all pupils
  • Demonstrate Student Destinations
  • Access the schools Careers adviser
  • Career Ambassadors for each subject

We aim to provide a comprehensive programme of careers education which includes impartial information, advice and guidance and support to students which will allow them to reach well-informed, reasoned decisions about their future education and careers.  Through this we seek to impart knowledge, skills and understanding onto students of the available paths and options into the world of work so they leave us feeling confident in their potential vocational pathways. All subjects have a careers curriculum map to support students in making next steps choices. Every Key Stage has a Careers Google Classroom with regularly updated information about next steps and careers. 

We welcome professionals and industry experts to work with us to develop initiatives and help facilitate activities, courses, events and student WRL days at Vyners School. Current examples include:

  • professional skills modules
  • soft skills modules (e.g. Year 11 careers day mock interview event)
  • apprenticeship advice, placement guidance and help with applications
  • industry careers talks
  • annual careers fayre
  • work experience opportunities 
  • case studies, role plays and simulations
  • field trips
  • EBSI careers advice
  • UCAS and university advice

By developing an excellent Careers programme with the extra-Curricular STEM activities we are giving our students the best careers, education & guidance is vital to improving their motivation to learn and help them achieve.

Careers Weeks run twice a year, with all year groups having access to careers advice and work related learning.  The WRL Programme for each key stage is underpinned by the Gatsby Benchmarks and is published annually via the school website.

Parents and Carers are welcome to Contact the Head of Careers & Digital Learning, Mr. Kohli ( to seek advice and ask any questions they might have regarding careers pathways.


Careers programme: Sixth Form

  • PSHE programme includes careers talks from a range of employers and education providers 

  • Degree Apprenticeship information and advice from ASK Apprenticeships 

  • UCAS and Next Steps Days focus on registering for UCAS as well as exploring alternative pathways 

  • Work Experience Week in July 

  • Impartial careers advice from an external adviser available to all students 

  • Unifrog platform supports students to independently explore career choices as well as universities and universities 

  • Careers Google Information Room is regularly updated with details of virtual and actual work experience and WRL opportunities 

  • University visits 

  • Careers visits and trips 

  • University Fair in the spring term available to all students.

LINK: UCAS and Next Steps Information


Careers programme: Year 7

  • PSHE careers sessions help students to explore a range of careers and post 16 options

  • KS3 Careers Week, including careers advice and workshops.

  • All students have access to advice and guidance to support them in their options choices 

  • Selected girls attend the Women of the World Event

  • Talks from visiting speakers from industry 

  • Apprenticeships information and advice from ASK Apprenticeships 

  • Careers appointments offered at parents’ evening 

  • STEM Careers Clubs to develop their STEM and employability skills - open to all students 

  • All students have access to Vyners TALK to gain a deeper understanding of different Career Sectors

  • Careers trips and visits offered across KS3

  • Access to a bespoke Careers Google Classroom with regularly updated information about next steps and careers.

LINK: Year 7 Careers Programme


Careers programme: Year 8

  • PSHE careers sessions help students to explore a range of careers and post 16 options

  • KS3 Careers Week, including careers advice and workshops.

  • All students have access to advice and guidance to support them in their options choices 

  • Selected girls attend the Women of the World Event

  • Talks from visiting speakers from industry 

  • Apprenticeships information and advice from ASK Apprenticeships 

  • Careers appointments offered at parents’ evening 

  • STEM Careers Clubs to develop their STEM and employability skills - open to all students 

  • All students have access to Vyners TALK to gain a deeper understanding of different Career Sectors

  • Careers trips and visits offered across KS3

  • Access to a bespoke Careers Google Classroom with regularly updated information about next steps and careers.

LINK: Year 8 Careers Programme

Careers programme: Year 9

  • PSHE careers sessions help students to explore a range of careers and post 16 options

  • KS3 Careers Week, including careers advice and workshops.

  • All students have access to advice and guidance to support them in their options choices 

  • Selected girls attend the Women of the World Event

  • Talks from visiting speakers from industry 

  • Apprenticeships information and advice from ASK Apprenticeships 

  • Careers appointments offered at parents’ evening 

  • STEM Careers Clubs to develop their STEM and employability skills - open to all students 

  • All students have access to Vyners TALK to gain a deeper understanding of different Career Sectors

  • Careers trips and visits offered across KS3

  • Access to a bespoke Careers Google Classroom with regularly updated information about next steps and careers.

LINK: Year 9 Careers Programme

Careers programme: Year 10

  • PSHE careers sessions help students to explore a range of careers and post 16 options. 

  • Visiting education providers such as Uxbridge College, Global Academy and Brunel University. 

  • Apprenticeships assemblies and talks from ASK Apprenticeships. 

  • Careers Week in the spring term includes visiting speakers and workshops. 

  • All students have access to Vyners TALK to gain a deeper understanding of different Career Sectors

  • Access to a bespoke Careers Google Classroom with regularly updated information about next steps and careers.

  • Careers visits to a range of industries and universities.

  • Careers appointments offered at parents’ evening.

LINK: Year 10 Careers Programme

Careers programme: Year 11

  • PSHE careers sessions help students to explore a range of post-16 pathways and to make informed choices about their future.  Students learn how to complete application forms, write a CV and prepare for interviews.

  • Visiting education providers such as Uxbridge College, Global Academy and Brunel University. 

  • Apprenticeships assemblies and talks from ASK Apprenticeships. 

  • Careers Week in the spring term includes visiting speakers, mock interviews with employers, careers workshops and a subject fayre led by sixth form students.

  • All Year 11 students have a careers interview with an external careers adviser as well as next steps meetings with the sixth form team or SLT. 

  • All students have access to Vyners TALK to gain a deeper understanding of different Career Sectors

  • Access to a bespoke Careers Google Classroom with regularly updated information about next steps and careers.

  • Careers visits to a range of industries and universities. 

LINK: Year 11 Careers Programme


Evaluating Best Practice

The Careers Team meets regularly to monitor, constantly re-develop and evaluate the current Careers provision for our students, parents and carers. The team is determined to spread careers with our Heads of Year and curriculum Subject Leaders in everything our students do. 

Vyners School’s progress towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks is evaluated using the online Compass tool (as recommended in Careers guidance and access for education and training providers Jan 2018). This is carried out on an annual basis by the Careers Leader. The current Careers Plan is constantly getting updated with new initiatives and partnerships with employers and leading academic organisations.

Our careers provision is also monitored through regular feedback from students, parents/carers, staff, governors, and external partners. This feedback is collected through questionnaires, formal and informal students focus group meetings and support from the Heads of Year and Subject Leaders and bases the foundation to further fine tune our guidance and support to students. This is analysed by the Careers Leader with actions feedback to staff. Key action points are also discussed by the Senior Leadership Team on a regular basis.

External provision is monitored and evaluated through the school’s quality assurance procedures including observations, student/staff/parents and carers feedback at the end of each event to gain a deeper understanding of the ongoing requirements and adapt to these in real time. 

Our careers guidance  effectiveness is reflected in the higher numbers of students progressing to positive destinations such as apprenticeships, technical routes, sixth form colleges, further education colleges, or employment. 

Destinations data is used to assess how successfully students transition into the next stage of education or training or employment and inform future CEIAG provision. This is analysed by the Careers Lead with key trends and actions fed back to SLT and governors. A designated governor has responsibility for overseeing the quality of careers guidance.

The CEIAG policy is reviewed on an annual basis by the Careers Lead, overseen by the Senior Careers Lead, Headteacher and Governors.

PSHE/RSE Curriculum

At Vyners School, our PSHE curriculum includes the "Careers in the Classroom" initiative, designed to equip students with essential knowledge and skills for their future. Through our comprehensive Careers Roadmap, students are introduced to key career pathways such as "Next Steps," Apprenticeships, and Skills development. This initiative focuses on personal development, ensuring students are well-prepared to make informed decisions about their future. By engaging with various career opportunities and learning about essential skills, our students gain the confidence and competence to navigate their career journeys successfully.

Year 7 Careers Roadmap

Year 8 Careers Roadmap

Year 9 Careers Roadmap

Year 10 Careers Roadmap

Year 11 Careers Roadmap

Helpful Websites for Students, Parents and Carers:

Careersbox (

is a free online library of careers related film, news and information. As the preferred digital new media partner to the Institute of Career Guidance, the largest careers body in the UK, Careersbox aim is to deliver a new way for students to explore their skills and career options.

Careerpilot (

Your choices at 14, 16 and 18, explore different job sectors and how you can study and work at the same time - even to university level.

Apprenticeship (

Central Governments dedicated apprenticeship website has a whole range of information to help young people decide if Apprenticeships are the right route for them. You can also search for apprenticeship vacancies.

iCould (

has a range of video clips showing real people talking about their jobs and careers.

Plotr (

is a website created to help 11-24 year olds discover and explore careers they’ll love.

It’s built around the Game which uncovers careers matched to their skills, interests and personality.


Next Review Date: September 2024


Deputy Headteacher and Careers Lead:

Mrs N Harvey   Tel: 01895 234342

Head of Careers & Digital Learning:

Mr G Kohli