Enrichment & Leadership
An important part of being a Sixth Form student is taking part in enrichment activities outside of academic study. Enrichment activities can be supercurricular or extracurricular.
Participating in these activities enables students to develop skills beyond the classroom - skills that will support them in future applications for employment, apprenticeships and university.
We also encourage all students to take part in activities that help them feel part of the school community and contribute positively towards its development.
Throughout Sixth Form, all students are encouraged to complete some of the activities below:
Students are encouraged to look beyond the curriculum of the subjects they study to develop their knowledge of this. For university in particular, supercurricular activities can help students to make a competitive application and to prepare them for a more challenging academic environment. Supercurricular activities can also help to support students in interviews for future employment and in preparation for applications for apprenticeships.
Students are encouraged to:
Read books and academic articles
Listen to podcasts
Watch documentaries
Complete online courses
Research websites
Read subject related journals e.g. The Economist
Further resources:
Unifrog - read/watch/listen
Students also have access to a bespoke Google Classroom where information on a wide variety of super curriculum and enrichment opportunities offered by external providers is updated daily.
Student Leadership
We accept applications from all students to become a part of our Senior Prefect team. Students take part in 3 key activities as a Senior Prefect (assembly delivery, charity task and duty leads) while also playing an important role as senior mentors to the rest of the school. Students are then encouraged to apply to become part of our Senior Student Executive in Year 13, which comprises our Head Boy/Head Girl and Deputies.
Students can also apply to become:
House Captains
Sports Leaders
Subject Ambassadors
Student Mentors
Reading buddies
Maths buddies
Students are also encouraged to set up their own clubs and societies and play a pivotal role in leadership of our younger students. Current societies include:
Medical Society
Engineering Society
Women in STEM Society
Musical Theatre Club
Debate Society
Board Game club
Law Society
Drama Club
Duke of Edinburgh
Leadership Qualification