Frequently Asked Questions (Whole School)
Does Vyners have a catchment area?
There is no ‘Catchment Area’ for admission to the school as such. Students are admitted to the school in strict adherence with our admissions policy. Distance is the fourth criteria within the policy. This states that we admit ‘children living nearest the school, measured in a straight line from a central point in the school building (defined as the meeting point of straight lines joining the opposite corners of the school building) to the point set by Ordnance Survey at the child’s home address’. A copy of a map outlining the furthest distances from the school that were admitted in 2017, 2018 and 2019 is available on the school website. A link to the document can be found here. The full version of our admissions policy can be found here.
Will the school be publishing performance data this year?
The DfE has advised that schools are not required to publish performance data for GCSE and A-level outcomes this year. This is due to the fact that students were unable to sit their examinations in the summer as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Students were awarded centre assessment grades. Schools are not being held to account for these outcomes.
Where can I find the historic performance data for the school?
The historic performance data can be found via the school website. A link to the webpage can be found here.
What is the school’s published admissions number (PAN)?
In September 2019 we became an 8 tutor group entry school with an admission number of 240 (30 per tutor group) expanding from 6 tutor group entry in previous years. In addition to this number we admit hearing impaired students due to the fact that we have a specially resourced unit for hearing impairment. These students are taken over and above the main 240 admission number.
How is the curriculum organised at Vyners?
In Years 7 and 8 students are taught in mixed ability groups, with the exception of Mathematics which is set according to ability. Students start their GCSE courses in Year 9. At Key Stage 4 English, Maths, Science, Ethics and PE are compulsory. In addition, students choose 5 options from a range of GCSE/BTEC subjects. High attaining students in Science have the opportunity to study the single Sciences (Triple Science). All other students study Combined Sciences (Trilogy Science). Generally, students take a minimum of 9 GCSE or equivalent subjects.
Which modern foreign languages do children study at Vyners?
In Year 7, students are assigned to study one of the three languages that are taught at Vyners. These are French, German and Spanish.
The school allocates the students to a language. If there is a particular reason why a child should study one of the three languages in particular, parents should make the school aware of it when applying to the school and we will endeavour to accommodate the request, although we cannot guarantee to be able to do so.
In Year 8, students continue as in Year 7. In Year 9, students may opt for one or more of GCSE French, German or Spanish. Where appropriate, students are encouraged to take an MFL subject as part of the English Baccalaureate.
Does the school have specialist provision for ICT and Computing?
The school is widely equipped with ICT facilities with in excess of 450 desktop computers in specialist areas available for students’ use and over 110 Google Chromebooks for use in classrooms. All ICT rooms have new desktops. The school has committed to increase the number of Chromebooks available for use in classrooms and laptops are being phased out (we do still have 60 laptops in use with specialist software in Art and DT). All classrooms across the school are fully equipped with interactive whiteboards, most of which have been updated with SMART projectors in 2014.
How is positive behaviour maintained at Vyners?
We do everything we can to promote positive behaviour – our expectations of all students are high – strict uniform rules, orderly start to lessons, a clear rewards and consequences system and standards cards for misbehaviour outside lessons. Misbehaviour is dealt with fairly but firmly. All staff play an important role in ensuring good behaviour for learning. Ofsted rated us as outstanding in this area and our own survey data backs up this judgment.
How does the school deal with bullying?
We acknowledge that in any school, occasionally incidents of unkindness or bullying occur. At Vyners they are taken very seriously and followed up by a strong pastoral team. All incidents are logged and the school’s policy (based on national guidelines) is followed. We are a ‘telling’ school and students know where to go for help e.g. Prefects, Staff, Student Services, etc. Ofsted rated us as outstanding in this area and described behaviour as exemplary.
How does Vyners cater for students with high prior attainment?
We aim to stretch all of our students through carefully planned learning activities in the curriculum. For high attaining students we focus on setting different, challenging tasks rather than simply more work. We also have well-planned Super Curricular activities that are designed to stretch students academically and sustain their interest beyond the everyday curriculum. You can find the link here. We also use excellent resources from external providers such as the PiXL network to support higher attaining students. A link to our ‘most able’ page on the school website can be found here.
Vyners is an Academy. What does this mean?
Like many schools now, we have taken the opportunity to become an Independent State School (since November 2011). It is paramount to clarify to parents that we have not changed our ethos, our standards, our name or our admissions (our admissions criteria remain the same). The fundamental reason for becoming an Academy was to free up additional income to provide better education for the students and to give us greater freedom and control of our curriculum. In September 2018 we formed the Vanguard Learning Trust, a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) with Ryefield Primary School and Ruislip High School. The three schools work together to raise standards across the trust but have retained their individual identities. There are no preferential admissions arrangements for Ryefield School students.