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Teaching & Learning

 At Vyners School, we aim to develop a learning environment where teaching and learning are at the heart of what we do. We aim to ensure that our students are provided with high quality learning experiences that lead to consistently high levels of achievement and attainment.  We encourage students to aspire and endeavour to achieve their very best at all times. Teaching at Vyners:

  • Embraces the concept of ‘teaching for mastery’.
  • Builds both knowledge and skills over time.
  • Demonstrates high expectations of all students.
  • Nurtures students’ resilience, confidence and self-belief.
  • Is delivered by teachers who engage in evidence-based practice.
  • Provides feedback that is regular so that students know their strengths and the next steps that they need to take.
  • Uses assessment to check student understanding and inform teaching.
  • Develops students’ literacy, numeracy and oracy skills.


Teachers engage in ongoing pedagogical development based on the premise of Explain, Practice, Test (EPT).  This model gives the school community a shared language that enables clear, inclusive education for all students.  Student progress is supported by the principles of Every Lesson, Every Day which reflects Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction, as outlined by Every Lesson, Every Day explained.






Teaching & Learning is at the heart of the staff professional development programme, with regular sharing of best practice activities centred on the importance of effective questioning, adaptive teaching, disciplinary reading, oracy -to name but a few examples. Staff at Vyners School also fully engage in peer to peer coaching and lesson observation processes in order to drive performance and professional learning forward.






The Vyners Way model


Every Lesson, Every Day for Staff
Every Lesson, Every Day for Students